Guess what? Life in Germany isn't all unicorns and rainbows! 🦄 🌈

Guten tag Reader -

Let's give a big old welcome to our newest subscribers! I'm quite happy to say we've had quite a lot of newbies join our community recently. 🙌

What's up this week? Life in Germany isn't all unicorns and rainbows - it's hard for many people to succeed here, especially those coming from abroad. The German economy is in a "slowcession" and the country is receding back to the Middle Ages, and before we know it, we'll be dispatching GoT-styled ravens to send messages to one another.

We cover all of this and more in our August 6, 2023 edition of The Berlin Life newsletter.

Community News

🗣️ News from The Berlin Life:

  • I'm on vacation for all of August, so all services for The Berlin Life will be paused. You can still make bookings for September though.
  • It's still a WIP, but I'll be hosting a webinar this month about German job application basics for both CVs and cover letters. Continue to stay tuned, as you can attend and learn a lot, and best of all, it will be free. 💁‍♀️
  • Don't forget that we're having another meetup before summer disappears! Join us on Wed, Aug 16 @ 7 pm at ​Republic Berlin​ to meet others from The Berlin Life community. Register to get on the list and receive a private invite.
  • Get caught up and read last week's newsletter - Berlin is Friendly?! The Down Low on German Work Culture & Another Meetup.

Food For Thought

🤔 Interesting articles about the "art" of looking for work, as well as humourous gems floating around the web:

  • No lies, I spent several hours last week rewriting one of our most popular posts, The Reality Of Finding Work In Berlin In 2023. Many people paint a picture-perfect world in Germany, where it's easy to find a job, even without speaking the language. People can certainly succeed at building a life in Germany, but by no means can be it considered straightforward. In the article, I outline some of the challenges that people can expect when looking for work in Berlin, as well as provide some helpful resources.
  • Local Daniela Skeyki recently shared a brutally honest post on LinkedIn that resonated with a lot of people. She hits on many of the things that are real pain points for foreigners trying to establish a life for themselves in Germany. Give it a read and tell me how much you can relate.
  • Do you have a favorite content creator in Germany? My top pick is Uyen Ninh. She offers the unique perspective of a Vietnamese woman who came to Germany for love and best of all, she's absolutely hilarious. The internet loves her as well, and almost all of her content gets millions of views. If you don't follow her, definitely get on that follow train now!

Companies Hiring

🇩🇪 German companies hiring right now.

Startup News

🚀 German startups that received funding recently, got acquired, built up staff, etc., and could be good places to look for jobs.

News in Germany

🗞️ Immigration and other general news in Germany.

Useful Resources

😎 Good stuff from the Berlin Life.

Support Us

🙏 There are many little and kind ways you can help support us, as we support you.

Until next time, Reader. 💛

Founder - The Berlin Life

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