Writing A Thank You Note After An Interview - A Template & Tips

Published over 1 year ago • 1 min read

Hi there Reader -

One way to make yourself stand out during the recruiting process with a German company is to send a short thank you note after you've completed an interview. While it's not mandatory, expressing your appreciation shows that you're interested in both the role and the company, and are keen to move forward. Best of all, it will help you stand out from other candidates. 🚀

You can also use it as an opportunity to ask further questions, advise of your availability, and provide additional feedback about your interview experience. Note - if you want to provide constructive feedback, definitely offer it up, but keep it polite and professional. 🙂

It's best to send a thank you note only when you've done a more indepth interview with the company's people team or the hiring manager. There's no need to send it after the first screening call or at every stage of the hiring process.

To make things easier for you, here's a thank you letter sample and structure that you can use as a basic guideline to copy and paste and customize as needed.

A sample thank you note:

Hi <insert name>,
I'd like to say thank you for the such a great interview today.
I enjoyed meeting the team, learning more about the job and company, and seeing the office space. I was especially impressed to observe the team working together, the high levels of collaboration, and the open feedback culture. I remain quite interested in the position and being part of your organization.
I can be available anytime for a call or in person interview provided I have at least 48 hours notice. If you have any other questions or concerns, let me know and I'll get back to you right away.
I look forward to hearing back from you.
Kind regards,
<your name>

A basic structure to follow:

  1. Salutation - you may need to be more formal here and follow formal German greetings.
  2. A general thank you for the time they spent with you.
  3. Tell them that you enjoyed the experience and mention some specific things you liked.
  4. Ask further questions and/or provide feedback (optional).
  5. Inform them you remain interested.
  6. Let them know about your availability.
  7. Say they can ask questions anytime.
  8. Close with something like - regards, kind regards, sincerely etc. and your name.

For more career tips, check out our Berlin Life Guides where we have CV guides, interview guides, and more.

Until next time,

Founder - The Berlin Life

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