Updates on Dual Citizenship in Germany ... & Other News

Hallo Reader -

Hope your week is getting off to a good start. Here's some of the latest and greatest news at The Berlin Life.

1) We've updates some of our Berlin Life guides:

  • Best Berlin Meetup Groups For Meeting New People - New to Berlin & looking to connect? A long veteran looking for the same? Join any of these Berlin Meetup groups for meeting new people. ➡️ The list has been cleaned up to reflect active groups.
  • Companies In Berlin Hiring Right Now - Are you looking for a job in Berlin? Then check out this ever-growing list of companies in Berlin that are hiring right now. ➡️ Several new companies have been added.
  • The Reality Of Finding Work In Berlin In 2022 - Is it easy to find work in Berlin? Learn about some of the realities of finding a job in Berlin during normal times, never mind right now. ➡️ I address the realities of the energy crisis, the impact of the Ukraine war, and how it impacts the labor outlook in Germany.

2) These are just a handful of companies hiring in Germany:

3) News about life in Germany right now:

4) In case you missed out on our past couple of newsletters:

If you haven't already, be sure to join our Facebook group or add yourself to our LinkedIn connection list.

And if you have any questions or concerns, or ideas for future content, simply reply to this email.

Until next time,

Founder - The Berlin Life

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